Organic and health-focused consumers in Germany are far more likely to shop online for food products than the general consumer, suggests a recent survey by Gesellschaft für integrated Kommunikationsforschung (GIK).
According to the study, just 3% of respondents currently buy their food regularly online, with a whopping two-thirds (63%) saying they do not even consider digital alternatives to the supermarket. Traditional supermarkets and discounters – such as Lidl and Aldi – are still by far the main destination for mainstream German food shoppers.
But when it comes to organic and health food enthusiasts a different pattern emerges. Here, more than half (53%) say they have already ordered food online.
GIK suggests that the age and socio-socio-economic factors are likely to be playing a role. In Germany, organic, vegan and health food offers have a strong appeal to tech-savvy younger consumers (almost one in three Germans aged 14-29 shop at organic and health foods stores like Alnatura & Co and Basic). By comparison, visiting the organic supermarket and the health food store at least once a month is only an option for around 13% of the general public.
Significantly, once people have tried online shopping they are likely to become repeat customers – just over half of those who have already had a ‘test run’ reported that would use an internet service. It’s a finding the specialist organic and health retailers will no doubt find very encouraging.
About the author: Jim Mason
Jim Manson is editor-in-chief of Diversified Communications UK‘s natural and organic publishing portfolio. He’s written widely on environment and development issues for specialist magazines and national media, including the Financial Times, The Guardian, The Times, and World Bank Urban Age.
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