Written by Felisha Mendoza Mina, Social Media and Content Marketing Consultant, Milk It Academy
You don’t have to be some next-gen social whizz to understand the power of video marketing.
And as we fly into 2019, hitting that “record” button goes well beyond building awareness, exposure and all that other brand fluff.
In fact, a recent study revealed that businesses who regularly use video receive 41% more traffic!
That same study found that businesses grew revenue 49% faster when they used video content.
Hang on a sec… there’s such a buzz about the traction, you might be wondering why so many brands still haven’t caught on?
There’re three answers to that: time, resources and ideas!
Unfortunately, we don’t have a magic button that will add more hours into your day – but what we do have are some easy-to-action, high-value video ideas that you can add into your content calendar (without having to fork out the equivalent of a Pepsi commercial budget).
So here it is, 7 high-value video ideas to add to your content calendar!

1. Product reviews & testimonials
9 out of 10 consumers turn to reviews before purchasing online. That being said, why aren’t you presenting them using video?
Reviews don’t have to be tucked away on your Google page or website. Combine images, text and animations to create these 1-minute winners. Better yet, collaborate with an influencer to highlight your best bits. We all trust a quality unbox video!
2. Partner content
A win for everyone! Recycling relevant videos from your clients and affiliates will increase engagement and social proof.
Also, your friends will be so thankful to be on your feed, they may even be happy for you to upload the footage as your original content. Now that’ll score you some points with the algorithm police.
3. Meet the Team
Your customer service peeps are humans – be proud of them!
Introducing your staff can be a great way to showcase transparency and team culture. Here’s a thought: Give your brand a unique voice by sneaking some time into the boss’ calendar and publish a video about the company’s big “why”.
4. FAQs
What puts you one step ahead of your competitors? Fast and free shipping? All-natural, 100% Aussie-made products?
A FAQ vid is a clever way to flaunt your brand’s biggest selling points and give your customer service team a well-needed break in the onslaught of repetitive questions. If you’re not the type to get camera-shy, why not answer them in a live stream. The Facebook views will come rolling in when invite your community to the convo!
5. Vlogs
Authenticity speaks volumes, and if you’re gutsy enough to invite viewers into your day-to-day, video blogs aka ‘vlogs’ are the way to do it!
Shed some light on your planning process behind an upcoming event or show your followers the kind of mischief your team get up to in a typical day in the office.
6. Tutorials
Video is a great medium for instructional tutorials!
Bridge the knowledge gap, clear up confusion and help your customers get the most out of their products. Plus, you’ll improve your customer experience (CX) while you’re at it.
Tutorial videos are a great asset for your brand and can be used in emails, on social and on your website for as long as that product exists.
7. Announcements
Drumroll puh-lease! Have you got an exciting new item hitting the shelves? Maybe you’ve just broken the news about a mid-season offer? Sales and promotions look so much better on video and the numbers agree – even using the word “video” in an email subject line can boost your open rate by 19%!
In Conclusion
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with funny cat videos, but if you’re after a social feed that hammers in on a savvy CX, you’ll want to be blending your memes with meaningful content.
You’ll never hit a wall with ideas if you fall back on your 2019 eCommerce calendar and chop up your footage into bitesize chunks.
You can download our calendar for endless on-point promotional ideas below!
Felisha will be presenting two sessions at this year’s Naturally Good seminar: Video Marketing – Storytelling Essentials to Drive Sales and How to Grow Your Email List and Convert New Subscribers to Customers in 12 Days. Make sure you put them on your ‘must-see’ list! Register online for free entry.
About the author
Felisha Mendoza Mina has dedicated the past 6+ years to producing and directing creative content for brands of all shapes and sizes. From global tech start-ups to high-end fashion labels, Felisha adopts an agile approach to elevating and evolving digital presence.