The Australian Natural Therapists Association – It’s your choice…Naturally

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Since 1955, ANTA has been representing the interests of its practitioner and student members and have become synonymous with high quality and highly skilled practitioners within their industry.

ANTA’s mission is to provide the public with best-practice health care, and the highest possible standards for the conduct and safety of traditional medicine and natural therapy practitioners.

ANTA has been recognising natural therapy practitioners for over 65 years, who aim to treat their patients holistically by widening their scope and caring for the entire person rather than the specific illness or complaint.

A natural therapist aims to discover the underlying cause of symptoms, and then treat them by stimulating the body’s natural self-healing and regulating abilities. There’s a growing acceptance of natural therapy as a supplement to conventional medicine, reflected by the number of practices adopting a holistic approach to medical care.

natural therapy

Working with governments, researchers, educators, health funds, WorkCover authorities, and professional organisations, ANTA represents practitioners from every major natural therapy, including

  • Acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Myotherapy
  • Naturopathy
  • Nutrition
  • Oriental Remedial Therapy
  • Remedial Massage Therapy
  • Shiatsu Massage
  • Western Herbal Medicine

Why join ANTA?

When you join ANTA, your professional accreditation will become nationally recognised and you will have the opportunity to grow your practice through our referral service, and much more!

As a practitioner, ANTA Membership will enhance your reputation as a high-quality professional, ensures that you are health fund recognised (for applicable modalities), provide you with member discounts for professional indemnity insurance and much more.

ANTA membership benefits:

ANTA has many benefits, including

  • Free subscription to ANTA’s The Natural Therapist Journal (published quarterly)
  • Free access to past ANTA seminar and webinars and access to new seminar events
  • Free access to research databases
  • Free phone and email support by highly skilled full-time staff
  • Free listing on the ANTA Practitioner Search
  • Free access to the Member Management System
  • Supported by ANTA’s Board of Directors, who are all highly skilled in their areas of expertise including Acupuncture, Ayurvedic Medicine, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Multi-Modality, Myotherapy, Naturopathy, and Remedial Therapy
  • Therapeutic Goods Advertising (TGA) certificate of exemption

Plus much more!

If you’re interested in joining ANTA, get in touch with a member of their team today!


E: [email protected]

Ph: 1800 817 577

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