The Fine Print

Getting your products organically certified can boost consumer trust and open up new trading opportunities – and it’s easier than you may think.
A major new report from the Organic Trade Association (OTA) highlights organic agriculture's multiple climate change mitigation benefits and ways it can be harnessed to stem, and even reverse, climate impacts.
The issue of products falsely claiming to be ‘organic’ on packaging will be the key focus of this year’s Australian Organic Awareness Month (AOAM).
Jane Campbell, organic dairy farmer, has been newly appointed as director to the Australian Organic board. Ms Campbell will assume the position in an interim capacity from previous Board Director Leo Watling.
High levels of trust in organic during the COVID-19 crisis helped produce sales soar by 50%, and follows a 'banner year' for organic in 2019, says US trade body the Organic Trade Association (OTA).
A new university course launching this week will help further the nation’s commitment to the rapidly growing organic sector, particularly when it comes to organic agriculture according to the industry’s peak body, Australian Organic.
Is it time to be even more conscious about how you eat and produce food? The IPCC thinks so.
Sales of immunity-boosting supplements could be set for a record year as consumers try to protect themselves against the COVID-19 virus.
‘Antibiotic-free’ has become a health-food buzz-phrase recently. But why are antibiotics used in food and should consumers be worried?

Australian Organic, industry partner of Naturally Good, is pleased to announce the signing of a licensing agreement with certification body AUS-QUAL to offer Bud logo licensing to certified organic businesses. AUS-QUAL is Australia and New Zealand’s leading agribusiness auditing, certification and training provider. As a wholly owned subsidiary of AUS-MEAT