Exhibitor Q&A series: SoulPops

Written by Lauren Jordan – Co-founder

History of the business

Thirteen years ago, co-founders Natalie Winter and Lauren Jordan met at Lauren’s café. They instantly connected and began to collaborate on creative endeavours, realising very quickly how well they worked together. They would regularly announce that “one day, we will have a business together.”  

With a shared love for art, music, business and self-development, they added cacao to their list a decade ago. It became a regular part of their daily lives, providing much more than just nutritional benefits. 

Lauren’s purpose has always involved people and connection. With a background in fitness and cafes, Lauren is driven to help people feel good about themselves, whether it’s through movement, food, laughter or conversation. Throughout her ten years of owning cafes, she regularly found herself feeling uneasy about serving coffee to so many people. She knew there were healthier alternatives out there and dreamt of sharing more nutritious options with her customers.  

Natalie has a natural ability to create effortless beauty. From fashion design all the way through to products and packaging, Natalie believes in the power of intentional design in every detail, with customer experience being her ultimate goal. 

An integral part of their self-development and wellness journeys, Lauren and Natalie knew the experience of cacao needed to be made available and accessible for everyone to enjoy and after many years of drinking Ceremonial Cacao at home and on the road, the idea came to Lauren in a meditation one morning – what if we could create a ceremonial cacao drink that was ready to go? That would mean less preparation time, no more knives, whisks and sweeteners being packed into the travel or work bag – just a dose of cacao on a stick that was ready to be consumed. 

The creation of a unique Cacao product became their combined purpose and SoulPops was born! 

Product highlights

We will be showcasing our flagship product at Naturally Good – SoulPops Cacao On The Go. Certified organic ceremonial grade Cacao, individually wrapped and naturally sweetened. Each SoulPop is hand-crafted into a geometric heart shape onto a bamboo stirrer and ready to serve – just add hot water or milk and gently stir until fully dissolved.  

Cacao is more than just a delicious drink – it’s a nutritional powerhouse brimming with macronutrients that support our overall well-being. From providing sustained energy to nourishing our bodies from the inside out, Cacao’s remarkable composition makes it a valuable ingredient for those seeking a balanced and health-conscious lifestyle. 

Although we currently have two flavours of SoulPops available, we will only be showcasing our SoulPops with Canadian Maple Syrup at Naturally Good this year. 100% organic and vegan, each SoulPop contains only three natural ingredients. 

Sustainable and ethical considerations

We are mindful of the planet, and an integral part of our brand ethos began with sourcing raw ingredients from sustainable agriculture, avoiding GMO’s, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. We’re proud to ensure our Cacao is sourced through a fair supply chain, promoting favourable social conditions and sustainability of Cacao farming communities in Peru.    

Also, we proudly source FSC certified packaging and knowing the purpose of our product was to have on the go, meant it had to be individually wrapped so developing our food safe wrappers to be biodegradable was a winning moment for us. 

Our cute custom designed SoulPops bamboo stirrers are food safe, home compostable, re-usable and biodegradable. 

Global importance

We offer the growing number of consumers making healthier choices in their daily routine a product that is not only clean, healthy and allergen-friendly and delicious; but it also gives them the freedom to take wherever they go.  

100% Natural goodness – SoulPops Cacao is made from 100% pure natural ingredients.   

We are allergen friendly – SoulPops are free from dairy, egg nuts, gluten and artificial colours and flavours. 

Certified Organic ingredients* – All our raw ingredients are Certified organic. *Honey is Australian made and complies with the FSANZ Standard 2.8.2 

Demand for products

The world is simultaneously becoming more health-conscious and time-poor, with the desire for healthy, quick alternatives on the rise. We are all looking for simple self-care options and effortless ways to experience some time out in a busy world, not to mention a healthy options to naturally boost our energy. 

The demand for products such as SoulPops is increasing as mindful, wellness-focused consumers are seeking healthier habits to create more balance in their busy lives. Simply switching out the usual afternoon coffee or high-sugar pick-me-up for a cup of SoulPops Cacao is the perfect start to creating a healthier lifestyle.  

Our product provides a unique take on Cacao, providing a versatile, convenient user experience. Individually packaged in biodegradable wrappers and ready to go, they are perfect to take to the office, pack in a lunch box or pop in your travel bag. Many of our customers choose to eat their SoulPops straight off the stick, just like a healthy lollipop! 

Interesting angle for business media

SoulPops Cacao presents a unique and innovative Cacao product that is ready to serve – just add hot water and stir.  

Preparing Ceremonial Cacao in the traditional way can be difficult, often with a less than palatable result. SoulPops have been created right here in Australia to ensure a perfect cup, every time, so you can effortlessly incorporate this amazing plant medicine into your every day. 

SoulPops combine ancient wellness with modern day magic. Our goal is to make Cacao as accessible as possible for everyone, allowing each customer to create their own unique experience with Cacao. Your Ritual, Your Way. 

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